Better Business Bureau Serving Mainland BC

404-788 Beatty Street, Vancouver, BC V6B 2M1

Start With Trust

For over 100 years, BBB has helped people make smarter decisions and is evolving to meet fast changing marketplace needs. BBB sets standards for ethical business behavior and monitors compliance. Almost 400,000 Accredited Businesses meet and commit to our high standards. BBB helps consumers identify trustworthy businesses, and those that aren't.

People today are overwhelmed with choices - and often unsure about where to find verified, unbiased information. There are more than 30 million businesses in North America alone; and hundreds of thousands of sites around the world where people shop online. There are thousands of free and subscription websites that offer a range of information, including reviews, reports, directories, listings, and gripe sites. BBB is the one place you can find it all.